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Why Can' I Get A Six Pack Stomach

A Why can't I get A six pack stomach? Is this a question you're asking at the moment? A six pack stomach is virtually impossible if you're making mistakes in your program. The mostly common mistakes are talked about below.

Long boring cardio

The first mistake in getting a six pack stomach is long cardio sessions. Long cardio does nothing for your metabolic rate, and can in fact lower it. Long cardio will use muscle for fuel so they end up shrinking. This is why cardio will slow down your metabolism. You need more muscle mass to increase the rate in which your body burns calories even while you're not exercising.

To increase your metabolism you should incorporate interval training alongside resistance training. This is what gives your body a metabolic boost that creates an environment that burns fat for the 48 hours that follow your workout. Your body needs to burn more fat while you're resting to remove the fat from your abs to reveal your six pack stomach.

Eat 6 meals a day

To prevent your body storing fat you need to eat a meal at least every 3 hours during the day. Once you go over this time your body will start to store fat because it goes into starvation mode. This is why 3 meals a day can increase the amount of fat on your stomach even if they are healthy meals.

See Robyn below

Robyn ( in the photos below ) followed the plan laid out above and the results below are just from 12 weeks of training. Craig Balantyne has created the Turbulence training program that has helped thousands of people get the body of their dreams, and it is possible with as little as 3 45 minute workouts a week. These workouts increase your metabolism for 48 hours afterwards which is why there is no longer any need to do an hour of boring cardio every day.

Turbulance Training

Read more about the program that Robyn followed here - Turbulence Training.

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